Toolbox Talks

Toolbox Talk
The Rhinoson suite of construction site toolbox talks has been designed to assist site supervisors at all levels to deliver toolbox talks on building and construction sites.

These toolbox talks have been laid out in a simple, structured format to assist the supervisor in delivering an effective talk so that the key points will be remembered by the operatives receiving it.

The folder contains 70 toolbox talks covering legislative requirements, occupational health & hygiene, working at height, plant and equipment, hazards at work, personal protection, environmental management and fire and fuels. The first two talks give useful hints on how to prepare for giving a talk, things to be considered – for example, location and avoidance of distractions – and the use of aids to enhance the talk. They give advice on how to gain and maintain the group’s interest and the use of correct question technique.

The toolbox talks subjects do not have to be followed verbatim – the key points are there as a guide. The person giving the talk can add to them using their own experiences or leave points out if they feel they are not relevant to the site where the talk is being given.

While the toolbox talks are structured to assist in the delivery of a toolbox talk, it must be stressed that this is not a substitute for formal training in the correct methods of instruction.

£75.00 per toolbox talk folder including delivery to U.K mainland. Electronic version of the toolbox talk folder available at £50.00.


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