Site Inspections

The site inspections check and verify compliance with the SMS, safety standards and legal requirements, working conditions, on-site documentation, and other critical areas of the work site.
Compensation Payouts for Injuries or Ill Health
Types of construction site health & safety inspections
We generate a comprehensive inspection report which contains observations, identification of potential hazards, recommendations for remedial actions and any suggestions required to ensure legal compliance and prevention of incidents, injuries, and illness. Our inspections can be combined with Toolbox Talks and Safety Stand Downs produced to address specific incidents/topics on your site.
Construction General Procedures Health & Safety Inspection (1/2-day a.m. or p.m.)
This inspection provides a general snapshot of how your site and site team are performing. It inspects the often-overlooked areas of a construction site to ensure compliance with regulations. If the site receives a good inspection, it indicates other areas of the site are likely performing well too. If the inspection highlights several non-conformances you may wish to follow up with a more detailed Full Construction Site Health & Safety Inspection or one of our targeted inspections.
An inspection report is produced on the day and sent to your site representative and nominated person at your Head Office within 24 hours. Any major non-compliances are detailed at the time of inspection to allow your representative to put remedial action in place immediately.
Full Construction Site Health & Safety Inspection (1 day 09.00 – 05.00)
This inspection covers more aspects than the General Construction Site Procedures Health & Safety Inspection and will help you to meet your legal requirements regarding the health and safety compliance of contractors.
We will examine your health and safety documentation, welfare provisions, personal protective equipment (PPE), first aid, fire precautions, traffic management, access/egress, housekeeping, security, plant & equipment, lifting operations working at height, asbestos etc.
All observations will be documented in the form of a detailed report and sent to your site representative and a nominated person at your Head Office within 48 hours of the inspection. Any major non-compliances are detailed at the time of inspection to allow your representative to put remedial action in place immediately.
Costs of non-compliance: Increased Insurance Premiums
Specific Targeted Construction Inspections
Fire Safety
Future Development Site
General Procedures
High Winds
Slips, Trips and Falls
Training & Competence

General / Premises / Bespoke Inspections
Evaluation of Health and Safety Arrangements and Performance (1 day 09.00 – 05.00)
Fire Safety (1/2-day a.m. or p.m.)
Hazardous Materials
Slips, Trips and Falls (1/2-day a.m. or p.m.)

We offer regular construction site safety inspections at intervals to suit your specific requirements allowing you to monitor the health and safety management system (SMS) in your business and its efficiency.

We understand producing risk assessments and method statements can seem a daunting process. Whether you’re unsure where to start or just want to save yourself time, we’re here to help.

We don’t adopt a “one size fits all” mentality. We get to know our customers; we evaluate their needs and develop solutions that are tailored to fit the needs of their businesses.
Compensation Payouts for Injuries or Ill Health
Costs of non-compliance: Increased Insurance Premiums
This is because insurance providers will have their own risk management policies and procedures and non-compliance is associated with high levels of risk, particularly financial risk.